Enrollment fee

The enrollment fee includes the production expenses for the 2024 medal, as well as those related with the running of the website throughout the year.

You can take part in one or more sports; for Duathlon or Triathlon packages (any combination of two or three sports) we offer discounts.

Enrollment Period: shipping in Romania shipping abroad
01.09.2023 – 31.10.2023
(1st period, minimal fee)
130 RON (1 sport)
200 RON (2 sports)
240 RON (3 sports)
50 EUR (1 sport)
80 EUR (2 sports)
90 EUR (3 sports)
01.11.2023 – 31.12.2023
(2nd period, deducted fee)
140 RON (1 sport)
210 RON (2 sports)
250 RON (3 sports)
55 EUR (1 sport)
85 EUR (2 sports)
95 EUR (3 sports)
01.01.2024 – 31.08.2024
(3rd period, regular fee)
150 RON (1 sport)
220 RON (2 sports)
260 RON (3 sports)
60 EUR (1 sport)
90 EUR (2 sports)
100 EUR (3 sports)

Fidelity Bonuses:

  • For this 5th anniversary edition of 2024, all the 80 people who took part in all previous four editions (2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023) are awarded free enrollment, regardless of their Finisher status.
  • Participants (people who had a BIB number) in three previous editions – regardless of their Finisher status – could enroll anytime until August 31st, 2024 with the minimal fee, corresponding to the first enrollment period.
  • Participants (people who had a BIB number) in two previous editions – regardless of their Finisher status – could enroll anytime between January 1st – August 31st, 2024 with the deducted fee, corresponding to the second enrollment period.

Bank transfer details:

  • Beneficiary: SIGHTRUNNING | ING Bank | Swift Code: INGBROBU
  • IBAN (account number): RO03INGB0000999906285778
  • at “Payment details” please mention: „participation fee AR2024” and the name of the person the fee is payed for.