Frequently asked questions

Do I have to be active daily?

No, you could organize yourself as you consider best in order to reach the Finish in due time; it is ideal to equally distribute your activities during the whole year and to stick to the schedule – this is the main purpose of our event.

Which activities are eligible?

Walking (power-walking or hiking), running (outside or on the treadmill), cycling (outside or indoor), inline skating, swimming (outside or at the pool), nautical sports (kayak, canoe, rowing, stand-up paddling, etc) and winter sports (skying, snowboarding, skating, etc); where and when suits you best.
Both regular training and competitions.
Distances covered during regular, daily activities (such as walking inside the house, running errands or walking to work, etc) should not be counted. Participants should only report activities meant specifically as training sessions or races.

May I transfer to another distance option?

All participants have the right to one moving request for a different distance option within the same sport, until June 30th, 2023. The move is free of charge, but once done it becomes definitive an it is the sole responsibility of the participant to fully complete it by the end of the year in order to be awarded the Finisher Status.

May I transfer to another sport?

Transfer requests between sports are not allowed; a participant could enroll later on for a different sport, if s/he wishes so, by registering and covering the registration fee for the respective option.

How do I submit my mileage?

Strava and Garmin Connect users could authorize the automatic import of their activities into our platform.
If you use other platforms, check with Strava, it is highly probable to be able to connect them from there.
You could also add your activities manually, by using the Mileage Report Form (available by signing in into your account). It is advisable to do it frequently, and don’t let past activities pile up before registering them; it would be easier both for you and for us.

Which precision is used when manually submitting distances?

Two decimals. They’re automatically taken into account when adding up for your total.

Could me and my friends take part as a Team?

Yes. Team members enroll individually (on the “national” routes) and could join a team from their account. Mileage added by each member (regardless of their sport/s) will automatically be added up to the Team total. Teams use the global route and a separate Progress table.

When I’ll receive my Finisher Medal?

In the first half of January 2024.

I don’t reside in Romania, may I take part?

Yes. You can take part from anywhere in the world.

I finished only one distance option from my Duathlon package / only two from my Triathlon package. Am I a Finisher of those options?

No. Participants enrolled in Duathlon or Triathlon packages become Finishers upon successfully completing the distance options from all sports they signed up for.

How do I pay the participation fee?

By Bank transfer:

  • Amount: see the details here, according to the option/package chosen and the registration period
  • Beneficiary: SIGHTRUNNING | Bank: ING Bank | Swift Code: INGBROBU
  • IBAN (account number) RO03INGB0000999906285778
  • At “Payment details” please mention: „participation fee AR2023” and the name of the person the fee is payed for.