• Please register, anytime until August 31st, 2021; new users enroll here, while people who already have an account with our website can indicate their options here.
  • You’ll receive an e-mail with payment details and you could check your status (registered, attending payment, confirmed) in the participants list, here.
  • The Event starts on January 1st, 2021, but if you learned later about us you could join anytime until August 31st, 2021 at the latest.
  • Eligible activities are: walking (power-walking or hiking), running (outside or on the treadmill), biking (outside or indoor) and swimming (outside or indoor); where you like it, when you like it (of course, respecting all legal requirements).
  • For every activity you do, please use the Mileage Report Form (available by signing in into your account). It is advisable to do it frequently, and don’t let past activities pile up before registering them; it would be easier both for you and for us. Strava and Garmin Connect users can automatically export their activities into our platform.
  • You could view your progress here. This is a Progress Table, not a classification!
  • As you make your way on the virtual map, you find out some interesting details about the places you “go trough”. You could also explore the area with Google Street View.
  • All participants have the right to one moving request for a different distance option within the same sport, until June 30th, 2021. The move is free of charge, but once done it becomes definitive an it is the sole responsibility of the participant to fully complete it by the end of the year in order to be awarded the Finisher Status.
  • Transfer requests between sports are not allowed; a participant could enroll later on for a different sport, if s/he wishes so, by registering and covering the registration fee for the respective option.
  • All participants who successfully complete the distance option(s) they enrolled for until December 31st by 23:59 at the latest gain the Finisher Status and will be awarded the event personalized Belt Buckle or Medal, according to the option they expressed during registration.