Support a Charity!

Turn your mileage at Aleargă România! in donations from your friends to the charity you decide to support.

How does it work:

  1. access the Aleargă România! page on the Galantom platform:
  2. chose the charity you want to support;
  3. let your friends know that you exercise at Aleargă România! (also) to support a charity;
  4. you exercise and gather mileage, and your friends donate to the charity you support

We selected a few charities, but you can choose to support any organisation you wish. If their page doesn’t exist yet, here are the steps to follow.

If it helps, you can find here a few suggestions about fundraising.

We hope that the commitment to help others will also be a driving force for yourself, for the days when you’re not so motivated to move. Win-win! 🙂

We’d be glad if we could turn Together the hundreds of thousands of km done on an annual basis in hundreds of thousands of good deeds! 🙏🎉