Hello , welcome to your account! Today is miercuri 12.02.2025; there are 773 zile 16 hours left to the beginning of 2023 edition, on January 1st.

You are logged in as  | .

You could check your status in the list of Enrolled Participants.

Your BIB number will be allocated as soon as we’ll receive your payment, so you could make full use of all facilities offered by our platform.

From that moment on, the content of your account will change; you’ll be able to authorize the connection with your Strava or Garmin Connect account, you’ll appear on the location map (and you’ll be able to explore the location you reached with Google Street View) and you’ll receive a multitude of other information, as illustrated in the picture below:


Bank transfer details:

  • Ammount: details here
  • Beneficiary: SIGHTRUNNING | Bank: ING Bank | SWIFT Code: INGBROBU | IBAN (account no.) RO03INGB0000999906285778
  • At Payment Details please mention: “participation fee AR2023”, and the name of the person the fee is payed for

As soon as you’ll be confirmed, you’ll receive all details by e-mail, as well as your personalized BIB number, in electronic format.

In the meantime, please follow us on: Facebook | Instagram | website